Saturday, 8 June 2013

Day 42 : The first mistake

31st May 2013
Mile 566.5 to mile 583.5 : hwy 58 to Golden Oak Campground
Mileage : 17
Today was the first day i made a serious mistake. The mistake was that i counted a water bottle twice, meaning i had 2.5 litres for the day instead of 3.5. This turned out to be a major error given the 2500 foot climb at the beginning of the day, the intense heat which returned today, and the fact that i was pretty dehydration from the previous day's beer consumption. Even 3.5 litres would not have been anywhere near enough, but the 2.5 was gone at half way, and i was not feeling good. I couldn't decide whether or not to wait out the heat, or just get it over with and hope i didn't pass out. I went for the latter option and it was bad. I arrived at Golden Oak Spings in a bad way, i had stopped sweating an hour before, not a good sign, and was feeling dizzy and sick at the same time. I thought long and hard about leaving my rucksack, going for water, and coming back later for it. Perhaps i should have done but i struggled on anyway. It took a good 24 hours to fully recover from the ordeal and i won't easily forget it. I learned a valuable lesson today about what happens when i underestimate the trail.
On a positive note i used my new sleeping bag for the first time this.evening and wow is it warm! No more sleeping in all my clothes for me! Thankyou you mum and dad for the birthday present, it is worth every penny (or cent).

1 comment:

  1. Remember Mortimer and Arabella setting out on a journey - " Got all your luggage?" For you it needs to be - "Got all your water?"
    That was a bit of bad planning for a seasoned desert dweller like yourself. Glad you felt much better 24 hours later.

    I must confess that my mental picture of you, after after 42 days on the trail, still has you looking as though you slept in your clothes, ultra-warm sleeping bag or not!
