Saturday, 8 June 2013

Day 44 : The final desert hurdle

2nd June 2013
Mile 602 to mile 622 : Robin bird spring to Willow spring
Mileage : 20
Today saw us descend into the desert one last time. The last few days have been unbelievably hot and today was no exception. I am so tired of the heat and the desert and the heat and the desert and heat and the desert. In 3 days I'll be able to swim in lakes every day if i want and i can't wait. The shady campsite at Robin Spring meant i got a late start as i usually just wake up with the sun. Thankfully for the first 10 miles or so the trail wound through a forest so there was shade. All that changed after lunch though as we descended into the desert. Thermoclines are usually something i would associate with the sea, but during the descent i definitely went through a few. When it happened it was like opening the door of an oven and getting hit with a blast.of hot air. It was unpleasant to say the least. This desert section is only 50 miles or so, but it now the beginning of June and there is no respite from the sun. I can't wait to be done with it.
PRT members in their natural habitat

PRT actually doing some hiking for once

In the morning a pine forest, and in the afternoon this!

1 comment:

  1. Your 'opening the oven door' analogy reminds me of the day we all stepped out of Abu Dhabi airport on July 27 in 1987. I felt I was walking into a furnace. Of course we had respite from ACs so I can understand that the last 50 miles of your hike through the shadeless desert was less than pleasant. Bring on the lakes - woohoo!
