Saturday, 13 July 2013

Day 79 : 1000 miles

7th July 2013
Mile 981 to mile 1004 : Kerrick Creek to Walker River
Mileage : 23
Today passed the 1000 mile mark, woohoo! Thankfully my energy levels were back to normal this morning and the first 2 climbs, totalling almost 2000ft were done and dusted in no time at all. I had started early and caught up with HoopDreams, Pan and Whispers just as they were breaking camp two miles farther up from where i stopped last night. The only real goal for the day was the 1000 mile marker. In some ways being this far is incredible, i can't really believe I've done it, and in other ways its only 1000 miles, not even half way. By the time we got there it was late in the afternoon we stopped only long enough to take a couple of pictures, but that was it. We planned to camp 4 miles later on and so there was little reason to stop, especially that late in the day when the mosquitos come out to play. The mosquitos have been getting worse and worse in this section and they're supposed to get even more.hellishh before they get better. They are at they're worse, or best depending on whose side you're on i suppose, in the early evening after the sun goes down but before the light fades and the air is still warm. They can get through shirts, trousers, socks and even warm hats. To avoid them you either have to cover your clothes and skin with either Deet or Permetherin, which i debt like doing as those to chemicals with eat through some types of clothing so whanever ther are doing to my skin it  can't be good, or you can cover up with layers, and this what i usually do. I carry my head-net within easy reach at all times so put that on immediately when i stop in the evening, always wear my down jacket in the evening anyway so no worries there, and with my rain trousers on and my socked feet in one of my dry bags i can usually do my evening chores wihot going crazy. All this protection means i don't have to bother setting up my tent. I've gotten used to cowboy camping and sleeping in the open air under the stars every night to the point where i don't sleep as well in my little tent. When mosquitoes are around though i have to make sure that the net isn't touching my face as i fall asleep, the consequences of which i recently witnessed on a fellow hiker, not pleasant. It had been  a long day so soon enough i was tucked up in my sleeping bag being buzzed asleep by the hordes mosquitoes unable to get at me in my little cocoon.


  1. So impressed with hitting 1000 miles - so incredible, great work to all you guys xxx

  2. The mozzie account reminds me of the BBQ picnics at Hatta pools where the flies would swarm over every bite - even a piece of white chicken was black by the time it reached the mouth. Or maybe that was due to Dad's signature brand of BBQing!
