Saturday, 28 September 2013

Days 135, 136 & 137 : A well deserved triple zero

1st, 2nd & 3rd September
No miles

I think the last time i took this many zeros in one go was in Mammoth, 1400 miles ago. I hadn't originally intended on taking more than one, but thats the way it turned out. At arriving Cascade Locks on Saturday evening i was on course to get all the way to Snoqualamie Pass by the 9th and from there it would be an easy hitch into Seattle. Unfortunately, i had forgotten about Labour Day, that coming Monday and so was immediately faced with a double zero as i would have to wait til Tuesday morning to pick up my boxes from the post office. As it happened it took me pretty much two whole days to update my blog, so it wasn't as if i had nothing to do. Although when i have to i will write ny blog from my little phone sized tablet, in is much simpler using a desktop computer, so in the morning after arriving i went across to the Best Western motel, where they provide computers for guests, and pretty much sat there for two days straight with breaks every once in a while to catch up with fellow hikers as they passed by. Although many hikers stay at the various town, i was staying,along with many other hikers, at Shrek's Swamp, the residence of the local trail angel Shrek. It was a great place to relax with other hikers swapping stories with other hikers about our escapades in Oregon, and speculating about the weather ahead. Many rounds of eating, drinking, sleeping and blogging later i found my way to the post office morning to pick up my bounce box, and 2 surprise care.packages from Mum and Maggie, thanks guys! Among other delights, Mum had sent me a brand new hiking shirt, spookily just in time as my old one was falling apart at the seams. Among Maggie's presents were some cumbrian mint cakes, which Edmund Hillary is supposed to have taken up Everest with him all those years ago. With all my chores complete, i could have gotten in a few afternoon miles, but at this stage the power of the town vortex became too strong and i ended up staying be more night enjoying the company of Rocks, Rusty, and KaZu, all of whom i hadn't seen in a long while.  Apart from enjoying the company of the other hikers, the other reason i didn't mind taking an extra day off was that i knew now that i wouldst have to push myself too hard to get to White Pass, where i would be getting off trail for 10 days o have a short holiday with Sophie, whom i haven't seen since i left Paris in April.

1 comment:

  1. The hero of this entry has to be the Best Western employee within smelling distance of the pct thru hiker in temporary residence at the lobby computer for two whole days.
