Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Photo updates for the last 14 days on their way!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So I started reading your blog a couple months into your hike. Now I'm caught up and waiting for the next update... and your mom's awesome comments. Where the heck are you?

  3. Good luck on your last few hundred miles Pad, it will be a mere walk in the park for you! Hope you enjoyed your break, I bet your body appreciated it! X

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  6. I have been following your hike all summer as I would like to thru the PCT in the next year or two. Where have you gone? I hope that you have made it to Canada. Looking forward to hearing from you regardless. I would be sad if you made it to Washington and failed your quest due to injury, but that is just the reality of long distance hiking.

    Longshot 04 AT thu hiker
