Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Day 165 : The penultimate day

12th October 2013
Forest Road 7320 to the Iron Horse Trail
Mileage : 32

Today dragged on and on and on. The first 10 miles were spent hiking along a peaceful forest road tracing the former route through this section of the cascades. It was wonderful to be away from the noise of the traffic if only for a few short hours. Soon enough though I was back on the hard shoulder hiking along the hard tarmac. As if the hiking wasn't difficult enough I had to stop and deal with a blister. The last time I had a blister was over 2000 miles ago in Souther California as my feet slowly adapted to the rigors of the trail. Over the last few weeks though i have spent a considerable amount of time not on trail, and no doubt my feet started to soften up. With my blister popped and covered, I continued on my way until eventually, as the light was fading I made to the start of the Iron Horse trail which would lead me up all the way up to Snoqualamie Pass, tomorrow I would finish my hike!


  1. I can't begin to imagine the state of your poor feet and how much they must be in need of a good rest Paddy. The trail has certainly kept some choice and evil challenges to the very last stretch. The hard shoulder with sinister cambre and so close to the thundering traffic was harrowing enough to read about let alone to walk on. Your fortitude is immense.

  2. Congratulations on getting this far patrick - some achievement! Please don't keep us in suspense any longer though - have you finished yet? Pete W
