Friday, 18 October 2013

Day 166 : Mexico to Canada

13th October 2013
Ironhorse trail to Snoqualamie Pass
Mileage : 32
I have hiked from Mexico to Canada. Over the last : 166 days i have hiked almost 2700 miles from Mexico to Canada. My hike ended at the Snoqualamie Pass Summit Inn Pancake House. My feet hurt.


  1. Biggest congratulations Pad! You did it - wow, what an achievement and inspiration! They better had been good pancakes! X

  2. Yay Patrick!! Your perserverence throughout has been amazing and inspirational! I'll miss reading your blog.

  3. Good job Paddy, you look elated to have finished and very proud of your effort. Dad and I enjoyed every step of the way in your blog. Congratulations !

  4. Hey Pad, so proud and impressed to hear you have made it to the end, loved the blog so make sure you continue to keep us updated with part 2 of the great adventure. Hope you enjoyed the pancakes! xxx

  5. So everybody on the trail has a trail name, except you?? C'mon, let's hear it.

  6. To all you trail angels ,magic makers, hosts, providers and general supporters we as Patrick's mum and dad would like to say a big thank you for all your efforts and assistance in helping Patrick and others to complete this amazing walk. Without you all it would have been much more difficult.
    Many thanks
    Angela & Jim Griffith

  7. WOO HOO!! Congratulations!

  8. Congrats Patrick. All those squats paid off!
