Saturday, 4 May 2013

Day 14 : Idling in Idyllwild

3rd May 2013
Mile 178 to mile 179.5 : Tahquitz peak to Idyllwild via Saddle Junction
Mileage : 1.5 + 4.5

Today I arrived in Idyllwild for a welcome day off. I was up with the sun given my camping spot was up on the top Mt Tahquitz, and descended at speed down to the base of the Devil's Slide Trail leading down from Saddle Junction to Humber Park. It's amazing how fast you can go with no food or water in your rucksack. Idyllwild is about 5 miles down the valley from Humber park but just as i was contemplating a road walk i was picked up by Scott and Scott, two local trail angels, who dropped me off in the centre of the quaint little town that is Idyllwild. Idyllwild is an oddity in southern California. The majority of this part of the state is either mediterranian in climate next to the coast, or full on desert at Palm Springs and beyond. Idyllwild however is neither, it is a haven of pine trees and cool breezes providing a welcome respite to the desert that has typified most of the rest of the trail so far.

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