Friday, 10 May 2013

Day 19: Motoring

8th May 2013
Mile 240 to mile 266 : mission camp to Hwy 18
Mileage : 26
Today we really motored, the thought of a day off in Big Bear Lake was a real.motivation. At one stage i worked out we were averaging over 3 mph pretty much all day. I'm amazed that i can do that after a day like yesterday. To be fair the terrain was a gradual descent, and the weather was playing along for once, so it flew by. By 6pm we were standing on Hwy 18 looking for a ride. 2 or so hours later we were sporting the latest fashions in loaner clothes while we hobbled around town looking for a meal. After only a day or 2 hiking, you stink, but you don't notice until you meet someone who isn't hiking, or when you clean up. After arriving at the hostel we all immediately showered and changed into hostel loaner clothes so we could wash all our hiking clothes. The verb 'to wash' here is a term that should be used carefully. Really what it means is at the first layer of dirt comes off. I think it'll b a long time before i feel really clean again, probably not til i reach Canada!
The trail today was home to some famous hollywood stars, but it was sad really seeing grizzly bears and tigers pacing up and down in their pens.


  1. Well done Pad this is great effort so far and especially not having awash for a few days must endear you to the motorists who give you lift.
    I have had two lessons today one in Whatsapp and the other how to load a message here. Clearly I have not listened to the teacher as my first message got lost halfway up mt jacinto and I have had to start again.

  2. Oh poor grumpy old bear - your kindred spirit... Did you not mount a midnight rescue? That would have been very 1990s movie-franchise of you... Maybe a tad dangerous though - no matter how grimy you are I bet your group would still make for a tasty mountain treat.
