17th May 2013
Mile 369 to mile 374 : Hwy 2 to Mt Baden Powell base
Mileage : 5
Today was a really low mileage day. We didnt get the earliest of starts, someone had bought a substantial amount of beers the evening before and they needed to be drunk. Many breakfast beers and breakfast beers later, we hitched back to the trail. The ride this time was thanks to Michelle and her son Hunter who live in Wrightwod. About 5 minutes after starting we bumped into Toots and Tears, and promptly stopped hiking. As we sat catching up with the two, the clouds rolled in, and soon we were dwn to visibility of less than 50 metres. This did not bode well for the summiting of Mt Baden Powell that we had planned to do that afternoon. Instead we decided that it would be best to summit the next morning when the weather was supposed to clear up. This meant, however, that the day's mileage total was 5, less than ideal. It also meant that these miles would have to be made up over the next few days, also less than ideal. After many hours of huddling behind an outhouse avoiding the wind and cloud/fog i headed to bed early, but not before learning from a dayhiker coming down from the mountain that the weather was fine about 200 metres up the trail and a few tens of metres farther up in altitude. Great.
"Many breakfast beers and breakfast beers later..." Did you write this blogpost after too many breakfast beers perchance..?!