Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Day 27: Wrightwood

X May 2013
Mile 357 to mile 369 : Gobbler's Knob to Hwy 2
Mileage : 12

It was great to wake up in a pine forest again, and for it to be cold in the morning. The aim of today was to get as quickly as possible to Hwy 2 and from there into Wrightwood. The hiking was along a ridgeline with views right down onto the San Andreas fault and Wrightwood, which lies rigt on the fault itself. The views also extended out onto the Mojave desert that we're skirting, I am not looking forward to the Mojave sections, but it looks like there'll be a full moon during the period when we'll be crossing it, so the nighthiking should be ok.The PCT actually goes past Wrightwood, but the most direct route into the town involves a very steep descent. As descents are way worse than ascents, so what PCT hkers usually do is to continue up trail to where it crosses Hwy 2 and hitch back to Wrigtwod from there. Hwy 2 is a stunning mountain top road which is closed all winter for snow reasons, but opened a few days before we got there, so we knew there would be cars going by so didnt think hitching would be too difficult. It turned out to be way better than  'not to difficult': Ginger, a fellow hiker had her mum and sister meet at the pass and they had brought the best fruit salad of all time with them. See soon to be attached photo. Also at the pass was Adam, also know as Aloha thanks to his Hawaiian shirts. Adam is supporting his wife Toots Magoots and her friend Tears for Beers as they make their way up the trail. Adam has become a defacto angel for everyone that is keeping pace with the two girlss, there is a picture of him in the BigBear post as he stayed with us in the cabin we rented.shared the cabin with us at BigBear. Toots and Tears have the honour of being the 3rd and 4th peoples to succesfully hike the only long distance hiking trail that crosses the width of the US, it took them 8 months.

Hiker rucksacks ready for the next section
Adam kindly gave us a lift into Wirghtwood and we quickly found a room at the Lone Pine Motel. The room was for 4 people, but in the end there were 8 of us stinking out the place. Me, Mr Green, Jason, Kat, Whispers, Pepper Flake, Wagon Wheel and Adam crammed into the room. It stank instantly regardless of the fact that all we all had showers shortly after arriving, we all left our footwear outside, and we all had a clothes washed. The hiker stench does not go away it seems.
Ginger's family and the fruit salad!


  1. Ginger's Mum must be telepathic, sensing that I was craving fresh fruit for you all. Well done, Ginger's Mum!

  2. Is it Tears for Beers or Tears for Bears..? With your autocorrect you never know, and both would definitely work as trail names anyway :)
